Benefits of Fiber

Benefits of Fiber


If you're experiencing gas, fatigue, bloating, backache, body odor, bad breath, headaches, depression, indigestion, nausea, hemorrhoids, negative effects of being overweight, bad skin, tension and irritability, then a good fiber cleansing herbal product may help you.*

A Clogged Colon

A clogged colon interferes with the absorption and digestion of food, depriving the body of necessary nutrients. This results in fermentation and putrefaction (decaying / rotting) of undigested food which creates poisons. These poisons are re-absorbed into the bloodstream affecting every organ and part of the body. We age prematurely, we look and feel old, our joints become stiff and painful, our eyes become dull and a sluggish brain overtakes us – the pleasure of living is gone!*


A health program cannot be fully effective until the body is cleansed of excess toxic material, which is often built up, layer upon layer, over a period of many years. Diets consisting of fast food, low fiber, white flour, highly refined and processed foods, excessive sugar, preservatives and artificial coloring are all suspected contributors.*

Cornerstone of Health

Fiber, one of cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle, has been shown to help maintain normal, healthy intestinal regularity and also help maintain normal healthy levels of cholesterol, blood glucose levels after meals and a normal healthy cardiovascular system.*

Benefits of Fiber

Fiber not only promotes health, it also helps reduce the risk for some chronic diseases. For instance, fiber prevents constipation, hemorrhoids and diverticulitis. Fiber is also linked to prevention of some cancers, especially colon and breast cancer. In addition, fiber may help lower the LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) and total cholesterol thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. Furthermore, fiber can help lower blood sugar to help better manage diabetes.*

Good Fiber Sources


  • Split Peas
  • Lentils
  • Black Beans
  • Artichoke
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Raspberries
  • Avocado
  • Pears
  • Pearled Barley

Fiber Supplements

Remember…cancer of the colon ranks next to heart disease as the most frequent cause of death in the United States today. So keep your colon in excellent condition by regular cleansing and experience the gentle relief and wonderful health thousands experience with all natural fiber cleansing formulas.*

Once you begin cleansing with fiber and rid your colon of this old fecal matter, you will no longer have that daily discomfort, instead you will feel fantastic!!!*

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