Diet for a Healthy Colon

Diet for a Healthy Colon

Our modern way of life is conducive to colon diseases such as cancer. By changing our eating habits and lifestyle, we may avoid or heal colon disease. Listed below are several things we can do to help prevent colon disease or even correct deficiencies provided they haven’t progressed too far. In doing so, excess weight will just melt off until your body stabilizes.*

Avoid All Stomach Irritants*

These can make it more difficult for the body to perform it's normal digestive and elimination functions needed to absorb nutrients from food and eliminate waste properly:*
  • Baking Powder and Baking Soda
  • Caffeine Drinks (coffee, tea, soda, etc.). (Non-caffeinated herbal tea is okay)
  • Carbonated Beverages: Waters & Sodas
  • Concentrated Foods
  • Hot Pepper. (Capsicum - Cayenne Pepper is OK)
  • Nicotine
  • Sugar and Spices (except fresh or powdered herbs and Stevia)
  • Vinegar Products
  • Dairy/Casein Products including cheese. (Nut and Grain beverages and cheeses are ok)
  • All Gluten Products including Wheat, Oats, Rye and Barley. (INSTEAD, eat fresh fruits, nuts, non-starchy vegetables, lean protein, superfood shakes and non-gluten grains: QuinoaAmaranth, Millet, Buckwheat or Whole Grain Rice.)

    Over-Ripe Fruits & Vegetables

    Do not consume over-ripe fruits or vegetables or foods having the faintest taint of spoilage or foods “aged” during processing, such as hard cheeses, sauerkraut, pickles, etc.

    Incorporate Proper Food Combining

      The stomach has a very difficult time trying to digest a variety of foods all at once. You might notice sometimes you get bloated when you start eating a meal, or you get that rumbling feeling when you have a small portion of lunch or dinner. Sound familiar? Yeah, we all go through that from time to time and it's an issue with the way we mix our foods together. We need to keep it more basic / simple. Follow smart food combining rules such as:*

      • Eat fruits alone. Never mix fruits with anything else, because fruits digest very quickly - about 30-60 minutes. Most other foods take hours to digest.*
      • Your other meals should be vegetables with protein or vegetables with grains/starches. Never mixing protein and grains/starches together.*

      Eat Foods According to Your Blood Type

      Not every body type digests all food the same. Some people digest chicken better than others, or maybe corn, tomatoes, or even peanuts! Eat food choices according to your personal blood type: O, A, B, AB using Dr. Bo’s Guide for Smart Food Choices for a complete, current list of your blood type foods.*

        Red Meat

        Red meat has a lot of uric acid content. So, it's best if this food is eaten sparingly, not all the time. Blood Types O and B can have red meat, but not more than once every two weeks due to the high uric acid content. All other blood types should avoid red meat altogether, since they do not produce the stomach acids to digest it.*

        Fiber & Colon Cleansing Herbs

        It's important to make sure we are releasing the waste in our colon regularly - a few times every day. Animals eat and go, babies eat and go. It's the cycle of a normal functioning colon. If you eat 3 meals a day, but only go once a day, this means you still have 2 meals stuck in your colon sitting there potentially being reabsorbed into the body as toxic material, creating constipation, adding weight, and a load of other possible issues.*

        Add psyllium husk fiber and a colon cleanser (Colon Magic or 15 Day Colon Detox) to your diet 1-2 times each day. Fiber adds the bulk / roughage that helps clean the colon, and colon cleansing herbs help the colon get everything out by stimulating the colon's natural wave-like motion called peristalsis to push waste out. Be sure to drink at least 8 oz. of water with these products, and follow it with an additional 8 oz. of water, for a total of 16 oz. of water. The amount of water is very important.*

            Don't Be an Animal at the Dinner Table

            • Eat slowly, in small bites and chew well. Good rule: chew your liquids and drink your solids. Your stomach does not have teeth.*
            • Eat only when hungry. True hunger is a pleasant sensation in the mouth and throat.*
            • Reduce overeating. Leave the table slightly hungry. Your food expands in 30 minutes.*
            • Your diet should consist of 60% alkaline foods (fruits and vegetables) & 40% acid foods.*
            • Reduce processed foods, fried foods, dried foods & chemically altered food with hydrogenated oils.

            Help Your Stomach Digest Well with Digestive Enzymes

            For improved digestion, take a full spectrum enzyme just before or during meals. When taking your enzymes consume at least 8 oz. of water. Water is required to activate the “water craving” hydrolytic enzymes. The moisture in the mouth may not be sufficient. If you are taking other vitamins, take them with this same glass of water. If you are not taking a full spectrum enzyme with your meals, do not drink water with your meal. Instead, drink at least 30 minutes before and 60 minutes after a meal, but never with it, unless you are taking enzymes. To complete the digestive process while you sleep, take the full spectrum enzymes just before bedtime.*

            Probiotics = Balanced Intestinal Tract

              To help establish and build friendly bacteria and flora in the intestines, consume daily a multi strain Probiotic and Prebiotic to achieve good elimination, absorption, digestion and strong immune system.*


                We're made up of mostly water. Depending on the source you check, it can be anywhere between 65-80% of our bodies. Water helps our organs function and move waste out the body. It's the bodies internal lubrication. So make sure you're drinking plenty of water EVERYDAY. Drink a gallon (4 quarts) of water daily – more on fasting days. Adding the juice of a squeezed lemon in warm water in the morning adds loads of benefits like:

                • Helps with energy*
                • Aids digestion*
                • Helps flush out unwanted materials*
                • Supports weight loss*
                • Helps balance pH levels*
                • Helps boost immune system*
                • Great for skin*

                  Other "Food" for Thought

                  • Be consistent with your mealtimes and bedtime (this helps your digestive system, allowing it to become accustomed to work times and rest times).*
                  • Do not crowd meals close together. Put a minimum of 4-5 hours between the end of one meal and the beginning of the next, with ideally nothing in-between, giving the stomach an opportunity to rest. If you do need snacks, eat nuts and seeds, fruit and vegetable juices, superfood shake with or without a protein powder or foods that will combine well with the foods you have had or are going to eat.
                  • Fast one day each week. Take 8-10 activated charcoal tablets at bedtime on the night before each fast. This will help absorb the toxins released by the fast. You can either do a fruit fast or a juice fast (fresh fruit or vegetable juices), a lemonade fast, or a grapefruit lymph fast is best. It is nice to give the body a rest. We don’t die from knee injuries we usually die from organ failure. We tend to overtax our bodies and wear it out.*
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